Matrx MDM Tall Mobile Stand Package, Product No. 24050

Matrx MDM Tall Mobile Stand Package
Product no. 24050
The Matrx MDM offers large precision glass flow tubes for real-time visualization and confirmation of gas flow. It’s the only analog flowmeter with an “Auto-Compensation” feature for consistent gas flow. A flow control knob and percentage adjustment dial provide safe and easy operation. This package also includes Vacuum Control Valve, Matrx Breathing Circuit and Tall Mobile Stand.
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-English Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Bulgarian Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Dutch Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-German Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Polish Rev P
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Romanian Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Slovenian Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Spanish Rev R