Matrx MDM Tall E-Stand Package, Product No. 24450

Matrx MDM Tall E-Stand Package
Product no. 24450
The Matrx MDM offers large precision glass flow tubes for real-time visualization and confirmation of gas flow. It’s the only analog flowmeter with an “Auto-Compensation” feature for consistent gas flow. A flow control knob and percentage adjustment dial provide safe and easy operation. This package also includes Vacuum Control Valve, Matrx Breathing Circuit and Tall E-Stand.
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-English Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Bulgarian Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Dutch Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-German Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Polish Rev P
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Romanian Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Slovenian Rev R
Matrx MDM Flowmeter Installation Manual 10049600-Spanish Rev R